HYCU: adding a Target
Step 1: Create a bucket in Impossible Cloud Console
You'll need to create a bucket in your Impossible Cloud Storage console.
You can use create a bucket with versioning and Object Lock enabled and a minimal retention (for instance 1 day) to get a higher level of protection against malware or a bad actor.\
Here is a link to the Impossible Cloud Storage documentation, which includes detailed instructions and screenshots for creating a bucket with versioning and Object Lock.
Step 2: Deploy the HYCU virtual appliance for VMware or Nutanix
First, consult the HYCU documentation and install the appropriate product version you will use. For this guide, we'll use a VMware example.
Step 3: Setting up an AWS S3/Compatible target
Targets are locations where protected data is stored. In addition to using targets to store protected data, HYCU also allows you to define a snapshot as a location for storing your data.
Please consult the HYCU documentation for more information.
Step 4: Enter Target-Specific information
Step 5: Complete the Configuration
Note: a Target with WORM
If you did the configuration right, you shall see a 'lock' sign on the appropriate Target:\
For more detailed information about configuring the product, please consult the HYCU documentation.
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