Manage Partner's Management Console Users

Open the Partners tab, navigate to a partner you'd like to update in the partners list table and click on that line of the table. It will open the detailed view of that partner, the "Partner portal users" section.

Here is how you can manage that partner's partner portal users:

  1. Add partner portal user. Use the 'Add partner portal user' button. Assign a role, configure name, email and password and click "+Add".

  2. Update a partner portal user. Click on the existing user to open the user's details. Here you can change the users' name, role and password. Click Update to save the new user information.

  3. Delete a partner portal user. Click on the existing user to open the user's details and click Delete.

The Partner's Partner Portal Users created here are partner portal users belong to a particular partner. They will be able to manage/view (depending on the role) only that partner and that same partner's users.

Switch to the "Storage allocation" tab to update the storage for the partner.

Switch to the "Usage" tab to view and export storage usage reports.

Last updated